Many companies are happy paying each time they need maps and data.
There are those however who prefer to get an invoice at the end of a month or who order regularly and don’t want to have to pull out
a credit card every time they need to buy something.
Streetwise Corporate Accounts only require an initial credit balance to be set up and then if the service is used an invoice is emailed
at the end of the month. By paying this the account is immediately topped up to the full credit limit again. This gives account holders
effectively up to 2 months to pay as invoices are due after 30 days.
If an account is closed any positive balance is refunded in full.
For companies using very large quantities of maps or data we may be able to offer a further discount but we always aim for our prices to
be significantly less than any of our competitors so everyone can benefit rather than just the biggest companies.
Because of this we guarantee to beat any genuine quote.
To open a corporate account now go to:
To see our online demos click here.
To discuss discounts and other aspects of our corporate accounts not detailed here please phone 0118 978 3077 (national rate)